Saturday, November 28, 2015

Time II

The fact that we human beings have terminal, fairly short lifespans justifies our use of time, being early or late, or on time for that matter are just tools to help us deal with how short our lifespans are. Of course most humans aren't afraid of death, it's just like going to sleep, except that they don't get to wake back up again the next day and socialize. That's what we're afraid of. That the passage of time will get out of hand and when it's time to depart, we'll have regrets about what we've done and about what we haven't gotten around to doing. But most of all, that no one will either care about or remember us. Of course this is an irrational fear, and if you find that you in fact are dying alone and forgotten, then think about what you might have done, because you probably deserve it.

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