Monday, December 14, 2015

Time V

Here we are again. Back on the subject of time. Today I found myself wondering if time passes differently for each person. Just like things taste different to each person. Maybe the passage of time does change from person to person, but what about other species? An insect's lifetime is much shorter than that of a human being. Does a fly even experience time? Or are their actions just fueled by instincts? I don't know and I won't pretend to. But what if they did have a concept of time? Would their lifetimes seem long to them, or would they realize that their lives are but tiny portions of ours? I'll stop because this is getting depressing, but just think about it. Live in the now, but remember what your goals are. You have to live with whatever mistakes you make for the rest of your life, so act wisely.


Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering if the flies had vocal cords, would they scream just before getting thwacked... and if we could amplify that to an normal human audible level, would their screams dissuade us from thwacking them the next time? ... especially if we slowed the scream down to time more comparable to our own. -Tophero

Anonymous said...

"a normal human audible level ^_^"

Unknown said...

Wow, you ask some macabre questions. I think that some humans would be dissuaded, but some would just buy earmuffs. Such is the way of the human race. Thanks for reading my blog Toph, have a lovely holiday season!