On the 17th, myself and two friends went to see The Force Awakens in theaters. Having bought tickets online beforehand we were able to get in with next to no waiting. We went in and were able to find seats together and waited as the theater was slowly filled. The lights dimmed and the entire audience started clapping. The movie started and the familiar yellow words streamed up the screen. I probably could continue from here a little bit, but I won't. Instead I'll move on to the end and my reactions, all spoiler free of course.
This was not the best movie I have ever seen, but J.J. Abrams definitely did a great job. He made the movie likable for a variety of ages. He threw in some very funny jokes and some clever references to the original trilogy that made viewers feel smart and included. If anyone reading this was undecided about whether to watch the movie or not, my recommendation is yes, definitely go and watch it as soon as you can. The alternative will be someone who assumes you have seen the movie to spoil it for you.
The poster for the movie |
Kylo-Ren's lightsaber |
Having grown up with Star Wars movies as part of my life, it is impossible not to get excited, at the very least internally, about any new chapters. However, I found myself wanting to love this movie which never really took off. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing some of my favorite characters reintroduced in a universe I hold dear but everything felt so forced ; ) I felt that too little attention was given to the back story of the new characters as well as to the lives of our known favorites during the 30 or so years that went by. When will Hollywood realize that classics aren't created by stringing endless action scenes together, especially for such an important film? It seems like they rushed this one sadly, perhaps to meet the Christmas deadline. The timing of the jokes/humor often seemed misplaced or made too obvious/overstated for unintelligent viewers. The dialogue between some of the old favorites seemed painfully contrived and unbelievable. And finally, the plot itself was unoriginal basically "super sizing" the same elements we've seen before... And in this case, bigger wasn't better. The Foley sound effects may have been one of the most redeeming aspects of Chapter VII but not enough to make it a classic. This chapter may have been a step up from the prequels, but I hope they spend more time explaining and developing in the coming films. There may still be hope to raise the bar on this exploited franchise which seems to be more concerned with toy sales then leaving a legacy for future generations, but I am somewhat dubious. -Toph
I agree with you on most counts, but I liked how they kept the plot the same, allowing the new characters to be accepted without to much other change. You're right though, most of the movie was stretched, and did you notice how none of the lightsaber duels were very good? Kylo-ren at least should have known what he was doing. thank you again for reading my blog Toph. :)
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