Finally I breach the subject of running. Before I start my rant I will make it clear that as a runner I am fairly towards the front middle of the pack, so I know a bit about running. I have been running for three years now, ever since seventh grade, when I could barely run a mile, to now, were a five mile run is only a mild inconvenience. Also, as a runner I can say that I absolutely despise running. Well, most running. Most people only run for fun, or even if it's for some other sport they usually only run short distances. Now of course I'm not saying that baseball and soccer players and basketball players don't work hard when they run. This isn't about that. But it seems natural that even though running is a part of those things, it's not a difficult as what we do. To put it another way, I doubt basketball players work on their running form.
Running is terrible. It hurts more than you can imagine, that is unless you run of course, and many other reasons, only some of which I will now list. You can get injuries in a variety of ways, some of which take months to recover from, you get so tired after a workout you are rendered practically asleep, and the worst thing of all is that you know that if you just stop, the pain will all dissipate.
So now the obvious question. Why do I do it. Well there are a few reasons, All of which I will list here. It keeps me in shape for nordic skiing, which is much harder than running but a lot more satisfying, a bunch of my friends do it, and yeah, that's it.
Before, I mentioned that I didn't hate all running. This is true, but the only kind of running that I enjoy is when you are going for a long distance run, not too long but just long enough that it's a pretty chill pace. This is the kind of run where you and a friend, or a group of people can just talk and have fun, and surprisingly, it really is fun! Also, since the pace isn't too frantic you are able to focus on more than just the end of the run. In short, a good run looks and feels like this.
Coincidentally I took up cross country running in 7th grade. I'm still not sure why, since I too hated it and not much has changed since then. I was a mediocre runner (walking pigeon toed may not have helped) and how you explained, it felt more like torture than anything else. It was more interesting than running on a track I supposed and I sort of enjoyed the back country courses that took me through beautiful places. I think if my high school had offered Parkour, it would have been a better fit for my personality since I have knack for climbing, jumping and such things. Cross country skiing sounds way better to me than running and Biathlon even cooler. If you aren't already practicing for that or doing it, I think you would be great at it and it's not like you aren't already building an arsenal up there ;) Swimming is easier on my joints but not it's always easy to have affordable access to a pool and I'm not too fond of laps either. I might have to dust off my running shoes to get a proper cardio workout but for now I just run up and down my steps a bunch of times and then do push-ups and crunches :) -T
Thank you for the comment, and yes, I am doing cross country skiing, and have even done a paintball biathlon or two, which are much more difficult than they look. I actually like skiing, probably because I'm good at it, but I guess that doesn't matter as long as I enjoy it.
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