Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Years Resolutions

I have never done one of these before. It seemed like a promise to myself that I would keep for a few weeks and then feel bad about breaking. But this year I have decided to try one out. But I promised myself that I would not make one that was impossible to complete, like those people in facebook who say that they are not going on facebook for a whole year. Which is ridiculous of course because nobody who is addicted to facebook is going to give it up for an entire year. Their resolve will crumble after maybe a week. So I decided to make an easy one. I decided that I wanted to be more cheerful. I realized that even though there are a lot of things in my life that aren't going the way that I planned, I need to be thankful for the things that are going well. So for the next three hundred and sixty-five days I will try my best to be more happy, and also a nicer person in general.

1 comment:

Tobitaiwo said...

Nice resolution, that is also one of my goals for this year.